Our Family!

Hello all,

I’m finally back at it! Thanks so much for being understanding about my lack of blogging over the holidays. I do hope you all had a VERY merry Christmas and happy new year! You may have heard, the reason for my hiatus is…WE HAVE A SON!!!


Aaron and I are so happy that the Lord blessed us with little Titus. He is incredible and has brought so much joy. He has had plenty of attention with grandparents close by, my family visiting for a month, and lots of young ladies at church who ensure he is very well loved.


Before he was born, I was so looking forward to having my own little subject for countless portraits. I dreamed about the amazing newborn photos I would take every day. I was sure I would have my baby in one arm and (somehow) my camera in the other so I would never miss a moment. This was going to be great practice AND I would have great, professional photos for the baby album!


But then…he was born. Don’t get me wrong, I think he is adorable and still the perfect subject, but I kind of forgot to factor in everything else. I needed sleep. I couldn’t take pictures with a heavy camera with just one hand. It rained every day and our new house doesn’t let in enough light. I had visitors to spend time with. I had a pile of work waiting for me to catch up on. I’ve preached to everyone that newborn photos must be done between 5-10 days old, but around day 13, I still didn’t have any I was happy with. And then there is baby brain! When I finally got things sort of set up for a shoot, I just couldn’t think. My mind was blank. Where do I start? What props do I use? How do I pose him?

Here is just one from my set up. Not very pleased with it…


But here is Titus in Nana’s arms. It’s not like you see in the magazines, but it sure is special. Maybe there is something to that!


I had no idea it would be harder to photograph my own newborn than anyone else’s. So in a way, I want to apologize for the photos in this post. They aren’t up to my standards. But at the same time, I’m learning that sometimes that’s ok. I am not a super mom, I’m new at this! I’m learning, and I have limitations. And honestly, my son probably won’t mind in 20 years that he doesn’t have photos where he’s wrapped up in cute little blankets and baskets.


I’m just excited that I get to say, “My son…”. That is pretty amazing. 


I have a feeling I’m not the only one who had grand ideas, tempered by a little bit of reality. I’d love to hear from you about how your perspective changed after kids, or what your overly-ambitious goals were! It’s always an encouragement to laugh about those things together. :)


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